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Потрясающее интервью с Владимиром Крамником

Рейтинг: / 128
Автор Administrator   
08.04.2013 г.
Потрясающее интервью с Владимиром Крамником
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Программа весьма интересна, но бриллиантом в ее короне является интервью с Владимиром Крамником. Почему он проиграл последнюю партию? Является ли Карлсен сильнейшим шахматистом в мире? Сможет ли Виши удержать корону? Как Карлсену и Ананду подготовиться к матчу? На что годится дебютная подготовка Гарри Каспарова? Станет ли Крамник участвовать в последующих циклах? Все это и многое другое можно узнать, посмотрев ролик.


MM: Does Magnus have chances, or, given how widely praised Magnus is, maybe I should word it in a different way: does Vishy Anand have a chance to retain the title?

“Anand is…somewhat intimidated by Carlsen”

 VK: I believe that he definitely has his chances. It is absolutely realistic. The only problem that I think Anand is facing is that he…it is just my opinion…is somewhat intimidated by Carlsen. He is playing unconfidently against him…being scared of him, I would say.

MM: Like he used to be afraid of Kasparov back in the days…

VK: Yes. He has never been seriously weaker than Kasparov, but just couldn’t play against him (Kasparov vs. Anand, classical chess: +16 -5 =31 – Pogonina.com). If Vishy will be in his normal chess form…

MM (interrupting): But will he be able to gain that form? He is playing less well than he used to…

VK: You know, age is taking its toll, so he is playing a little worse than before, but he is still good enough. He loses very rarely, and it is extremely important for matches.

MM: He also wins quite few games…

“In a WCC match it is enough to win one game and to draw the rest”

VK: Well, one doesn’t have to win many games in a match (smiles). It is enough to win one game and to draw the rest. It is clear that he is now match-oriented and not wasting energy on regular tournaments. Maybe he won’t be in his top form. His match against me was probably the pinnacle of his career. He was playing brilliantly back then. Even if he gets back to his normal “good” form, he can still beat Carlsen, but only if he manages to solve his psychological problems. This is a must-do. He should relax and not be afraid of Magnus. One can face Carlsen and actually beat him. If Anand manages to prepare himself this way, then I think the chances will be equal. If not, then his chances will be very low.

Psychology matters a lot in WCC matches. This is probably the first plot of the match. I would say that if he manages to hold the pressure of Magnus for at least 6 games (i.e., tie at 3-3), then Anand will become a favorite in my eyes.

MM: Magnus Carlsen doesn’t have a puncher’s opening repertoire. Will he be able to play Anand using such unpretentious openings?

Anyway, I am sure that Anand will have an advantage in the opening. The only question is: to what extent?”

VK: It’s hard to say. In the opening Anand is clearly superior to Magnus. He is a very difficult match opponent, because he is extremely well-prepared. It is so hard to obtain a promising position against him even with White. During our match I had to take immense risks to somehow lure him out of his armor coat, but I didn’t succeed. On the other hand, Magnus has an edge in terms of having a phenomenal memory. We have been talking about what Anand needs to work on, and now we are getting to Carlsen. Here he obviously has problems. He was making statements earlier before the Candidates about hiring new coaches and preparing in a different way, but in the end he didn’t show anything impressive in the opening at the Candidates. Hence, it was hard for him to play here, and everything didn’t go smoothly. In a match against Anand, if you are constantly under pressure in the opening, it is very hard to play when your position is always slightly worse. He should ponder this over. In half a year he won’t be able to catch up. Maybe he should try to think of something cunning, come up with a concept which would allow to mitigate the effects of opening preparation? Anyway, I am sure that Anand will have an advantage in the opening. The only question is: to what extent?


MM: Magnus Carlsen used to cooperate with Garry Kasparov, who was if not superior than everyone else in the opening (because you were also excellently prepared), then at least phenomenal. Could he have passed over his findings to Magnus?

“Kasparov’s opening preparation is not good anymore”

VK: Chess openings are like science. It keeps evolving. Judging by the standards of the time when Garry was an active player, he indeed knew the opening extremely well. Now it is over, his preparation isn’t good anymore. It is part of the past. Chess is developing very rapidly – just like the Internet, gadgets. You know, no one cares about the first models of iPhones now. Without day-by-day opening studies it is not possible…you can’t just invent a bunch of ideas and then spend 10 years capitalizing on them. In the 70s or 80s this might have been possible. Now, in the computer age, you have to keep finding more and more new ideas. This is a paramount amount of work. You can’t rely on the old databases. I can see that Anand and his team are constantly working on his openings and refreshing his repertoire. I mean not cosmetic changes, but entirely new approaches. This hard work builds up over the years and offers its own benefits. Hence, I think that it will be very hard for Magnus to catch up, because even if he starts working 24/7, then in just half a year he still won’t be able to build up as much opening muscles as Anand has established over the past decade. He might come up with something sly though. Remember, when I played a match against Kasparov, I realized that he will be prepared better in the opening than myself, but I managed to present a new word in the opening theory and somehow level our chances in the opening.

MM: Forum kibitzers often say that Magnus’ style is Karpovian, that it reminds of Anatoly’s youth. He also didn’t have any fancy opening prep, or, we should rather say that the entire USSR was working to prepare openings for him, but not himself.

“I would say that Carlsen is an improved version of Karpov”

VK: Yes, he reminds Karpov a lot. He also has certain weaknesses, which everyone, even the greatest players, have. Karpovian weaknesses, yes. They are hidden and very few, yet they still exist. Their styles are very similar. I would say that Carlsen is an improved version of Karpov. I have heard people say that his style is too dry, too positional. Partly it so. However, I believe that a person of his mastery can choose any style he likes. He should ask himself only. With such a high rating and skill, you know, no one should be telling him what to do. He is indeed an outstanding player. Like we say in such cases, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch”. He can play whatever way he likes to.

MM: It is his soul playing…

VK: Yes, that’s the way he is. Cold-blooded, rather pragmatic, somewhat melancholic even. His chess is also swampy, laidback, choky/boa constrictor type. It doesn’t matter. For me personally mastery is most important. His skills are remarkable. This is great. I think it’s a bonus that all the players have unique styles. I have one style, Aronian has a completely different style. Carlsen has the third variety. It is good for the game. This is interesting.

“I will try the next cycle, and even if I don’t succeed, maybe I will go for another one. I don’t think you can write me off in terms of chess strength.”

 MM: Your son is only 2 months old. When he will be 2 years 3 months old, you will regain the chess crown. Right? And he will be able to understand it already: “Papa is a World Champion!”.

VK: He is 3 months old now. My daughter is 4 years old. She understands already (smiles).

MM: You should do it for your kids!

VK: And for myself too. Generally speaking, this tournament has stirred a certain optimism within me. I have the energy and the power.  I can play not badly.

MM (smiling): You have everything covered in daily life…

“I can still improve.”

VK: Yes, everything is fine. I am content with everything. I will try the next cycle, and even if I don’t succeed, maybe I will go for another one. I don’t think you can write me off in terms of chess strength. One can play all sorts of tournaments, but the Candidates is a pinnacle which everyone attends fully motivated and prepared. It’s some kind of an ultimate test of your chess level. Obviously, everyone was using all their novelties and other trumps. I managed to share first, which means that I still have a reserve since I know that I could have done a few things better. I can still improve.  It’s ok.

комментарии (12)
11. Написал(а) Этот e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Для его просмотра в вашем браузере должна быть включена поддержка Java-script в 05:34 10 апреля 2013 г.
Very interesting interview. I like how kramnik thinks he and aronian are as strong as carlsen but he never mentions Anand.  
Alas I think carlsen is slightly stronger than Kramnik anyway and chess engines seem to agree.
12. Написал(а) Шахматист в 13:16 11 апреля 2013 г.
Очень интересное интервью. Мне нравится, как Крамник считает, что он и Аронян сильны, как Карлсен, но он никогда не упоминает Ананд.

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