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I guess white should move their bishop to c5 first to defend pawn and control a7 simultaneously.
1. Kg8 Qa7 2. Bd4 Qb8 (2.. Qxd4 3. b8Q+ +- and due to better position of the white king endgame is won by White) 3. Bc5! and Black has no moves at all. :-)
3..f5 (f6 takes a little longer) 4. Kg7 (white should wait too) f4 5. Kf6 (to defend pawn on e7 should bishop leave) f3
And... :-)
6. Bf2!! and black is forced to take with queen.
Zugzwang :-)
So, answer is -- 'white wins'.
It is a real pleasure to solve this thing.
Many thanks, Natalia :-)
2. Written by
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on 16:32 04 2010 .
I've finally found the win 1.Kg8!!! Qa7 2.Bd4!! Qb8 3.Bc5! f6 4.Kg7! f5 5.Kg6!! f4 6.Kf6 f3 7.Bf2!! Qa7 forced (Qxb7 8.cxb7 and it frees the c-pawn) 8.Bxa7 f2 9.b8/R! mate if 3...f5 directly then the King does not go to g6 but directly to f6 and it wins as well.