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Kamsky-Mamedyarov annotated by GM Naiditsch

User Rating: / 33
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 25 August 2013

By GM Arkadij Naiditsch, #1 German chess player, FIDE 2710

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We are in the 1st game of the 4th round of the World Cup. Only 16 players are left and the matches are getting more and more tense, every game is worth more and more and from time to time players tend to take more "safe" decisions. This does not count for Kamsky. In a great attacking game he managed to mate Mamedyarov, who has been playing just great chess in the last few months, winning almost everything he could.

Kamsky (2741) - Mamedyarov (2775). Photo from the official World Chess Cup site

Kamsky,Gata (2741) - Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar (2775) [B82]

FIDE World Cup 2013 Tromso NOR (4.1), 20.08.2013

[Arkadij Naiditsch]

1.e4 Kamsky also plays 1.d4, which makes the preparation harder.
Mamedyarov also plays 1....e5, but it seems that he is ready for a heavy fight.
2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6
The Paulsen with 4...Nc6 is not a rare opening at all. Lately Black has been achieving quite solid results with it.
5.Nc3 Qc7 6.f4
I like to play this move myself as White. The main line is 6. Be3.

6...d6 I dont think 6... d6 should be counted as a main danger for White, as he is now getting a nice version of a Sheveningen. [6...Nxd4 and; 6...a6 are the two critical continuations.]
Leaving White with both castle options open.
7...Nf6 8.Qf3 [I think that 8.Be2 followed by Qd2, 000 and g4 can also be unpleasant for Black.]
8...a6 9.Bd3!
With this move Kamsky makes it clear that he is going for a short castle and wants to achieve some sort of Sheveningen position with a tempo up.
9...Be7 10.00 00 11.Kh1 Now we are totally in the Sheveningen, but with a very nice version for White. Usually White has to play Be2 first and then Bd3 loses a tempo. I think that by now it is clear that something went very wrong for Black in the opening.
Black is preparing the b5 move.
12.Rae1 b5 13.a3!
A very good positional move. Before taking action in the center, White needs to secure the position of the knight on c3.
Very risky play by Black. Already being in a bad version of the opening, Black should clearly have paid much attention to White's attacking ideas and a move like Rab8 doesn't help in the defence [13...Rfe8 would have been a more solid choice.]

Another very strong move. Now Black is almost forced to play Bxc6 and the white queen on h3 is going to take a perfect place.
14...Bxc6 15.Qh3
White wants to push e5 as well as f5. Things are getting very dangerous around the black king.
A logical move with the idea of pushing d5, but maybe again a move like Rfe8 would have been more careful.
16.Bd2! Another very strong positional move, based on exact calculation. Immediate pushes would not bring White much, so Kamsky is preparing the deadly e5.
Black already didn't have much of a choice. [16...g6 17.f5 And White's attack seems to be very strong as well.]
17.e5 Ne4
It seems like Black is fine, but of course with the move 16.Bd2! White was preparing an atomic bomb on Black's kingside...

That was the point behind all of White's play. Of course 18.Bxe4 could only be good for Black.
Mamedyarov accepts the challenge and actually Black didn't have anything better. [The greedy 18...Qxe5 19.Nxe4 dxe4 20.Bc3 leads to an almost lost position on the spot.; 18...exf5 was not much better either: 19.Qxf5 Rf8 20.e6 And White has a huge advantage.]
19.fxe6 White wants to mate by playing Qxh7.
At first sight it looks like Black is doing more or less solid.
20.exf7+ Kh8
How to open the black position now?!
Another very nice move. I am sure that Kamsky saw it all before playing 16.Bd2. The US Grandmaster really seems to be in top shape.
21...Bxd5 22.Rxe4
This is why 21.Nxd5 was so important. The white bishop on d3 is alive and helps in the continuation of the attack against the black king.
Clearly the best defence. Black is making space for his king on g7 and tries to create a blockade on the dark squares. 23.Ref4?! A very logical move, but quite a serious mistake. [White should have been more careful to guarantee himself the e6 move: 23.Re3 Followed by e6, with a big advantage.]
And Black also misses his chance with a very human move... [23...Qc6! would have turned the game completely. The position would be very unclear now. White has no e6 which means that the f7 pawn could eventually get lost in the future if Black managed to consolidate with Kg7Rf8. The position remains very sharp now.]
White has connected his pawns, so the game is now almost over.
White wanted to play f8Q and Rf7 with mate.

A very strong move! Black cannot control the d4 and e5 squares at the same time, which means his position is just lost! 25...Bc5 26.Qe1 Now the weak spot is the c3 square.
26...Bd6?! Black is making it a bit too easy for White. [After 26...Be7! White would have to bite a much harder nut to win the game. 27.c4! looks like White is going to mate, but it is not so. 27...bxc4 28.Qc3+ Kh6 The black king is one step away from mate, but this step is hard to make. At least there is no easy way of finishing the game. 29.Bxc4 With "just" a big advantage for White.]
27.Rh4 Now the game is over. White wants to mate by playing Rxh7Qh4 and Qf6.

With the double threat of playing Qh6 and Qd4.
[28...Bxh4 also leads to mate after 29.Qd4+ Kh6 30.Qxh4+ Kg7 31.Qf6+ Kh6 32.Rf4+]
29.Qd4+ Kh6 30.Rxh5+
Now after 30... Kxh5 31. Qxd5 Kh6 White has a wide choice of winning moves, one of them is 32. Qe4 and the pawn on g6 is going to fall. A really fantastic game by Kamsky!


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Comments (1)
1. Written by Matt on 09:40 25 2013 .
Great blog!
Awesome stuff and a great game!

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